Now Accepting A Limited Number Of New Online Golf Academy Students At $1 !!

The EASY GOLF SWING SOLUTION for PASSIONATE GOLFERS looking to get better at golf

I'll Teach You A Repeatable Golf Swing System That Works For Every Level Of Golfer And Has Won On The PGA Tour!

[Turn Up The Volume!]

[Turn Up The Volume!]

Even if you haven't had success with lessons or haven't been able to change your swing in the past,

this academy will change everything for you.


“I Finally Got Better. Period.”

“My recent improvement was 100% from working with Bryan's systems.” - Mike from Ohio


MOST Golfers ARe STRUGGLING WITH their game with no solution in sight

Let's Rid Your Game Of

Club-Breaking Frustration

I get it, I’ve been in your shoes and know what it feels like...

To struggle with inconsistent swings and the frustration of sideways shots over and over and over...

To experience the fear of losing your enjoyment in the game and feeling like every round is a battle against your own technique...

And not having a clear path forward to achieving a smooth, reliable, and effective golf swing where you know where the ball is going to go...

But don’t worry, I've got great news for you!

All this can be fixed faster than you ever thought possible with our method and process at Bryan Z Golf Online Academy, so keep reading and I’ll explain...


There’s A Better Way To Learn To Hit Those Consistent Solid Shots Over and Over

And it’s NOT doing more of what you’ve already tried...

The old way is practicing countless hours with complex and confusing techniques, and it doesn't work because it's only causing you more frustration and inconsistency in your game...

Or maybe you jump on YouTube to grab a random swing tip that may not even be your real problem but you think it is...

Instead, you want to/need a new way to achieve a smooth, reliable golf swing, so that you can finally experience the joy of playing great golf with ease.

The simplified, step-by-step approach of our online academy will get you a better golf swing way faster and easier than anything you’ve tried in the past...

And the best part?

It actually works (it has won on every major professional tour worldwide), so you know you’re not wasting your time or money on outdated old-school methods that just cause you more stress and pain.


This Is The Answer to Getting The Consistent Golf Game You Can FINALLY Be Proud Of.

  • Learn a proven step-by-step SYSTEM of swinging the club (not a bunch of random swing fixes) that produces solid shot on top of solid shot

  • Hit more fairways and greens while feeling like you're on AUTOPILOT

  • Stop the overload of random swing thoughts and pull the trigger with confidence

  • Birdies and pars, birdies and pars... they won't be a surprise any more, more like the norm

  • Your golf body will last longer in the long run when you relieve the stress on your joins and back by swinging the right way while ACTUALLY getting you more distance

  • You'll build an EFFORTLESS and EFFICIENT swing that you can REPEAT AT WILL and gives you consistent Contact with the ball, more Power on your shots and a predictable Curve so you know what to expect in every round

  • And you'll still know where the ball is going... even when you haven't practiced or played for awhile

Once You Start The Academy

you'll never go back to your old golf ways. Here is just SOME of what you'll get:

Over 100+ Videos

I personally walk you through the process step by step. Pause, rewind and watch over and over to master the techniques. New videos constantly being added.

Drills For Feels

I'll give you drills for every step in the process. These drills are system specific and have been proven to increase the learning curve by teaching the correct feel of each concept.

Swing Fixes

If you struggle with certain shots, I have your fix. You'll get access to all the most common swing faults and see how to fix them quickly instead of struggling or waiting till that next lesson you've booked.

Access To Bryan

All academy members have the ability to submit questions directly to me. Oftentimes I will respond with audio and/or video clips for demonstration. I'm your ongoing coach!

And So Much More!!

Experience it yourself and say goodbye to your golf struggles of the past

(no matter what they are)

This academy is DIFFERENT

There's The Old Way To Learn Golf, Or The New Way...

Old Way

  • Time Consuming Lessons

  • Band-Aid Approach With No System Being Followed

  • Overwhelming Amount of Information You Forget Quickly

  • High Cost For In-Person Coaching

  • Limited Access to Resources and Support Between Lessons

New Way

  • Flexible Learning Anytime, Anywhere Via Smartphone

  • Tour Proven Step-By-Step System That Works For All Levels Of Players

  • Easy-To-Understand Short Videos

  • Affordable Membership Cost

  • Continuous Support: Community and PGA Expert Advice

THE ONLY golf instruction YOU'll LIKELY Ever NEED again

Join The Bryan Z Academy Today To Shoot Lower Scores Tomorrow

Bryan Z Golf

Online Academy

The #1 Online Golf Academy for Golfers Seeking a Reliable and Powerful Swing


"Best purchase ever!"

"Bryan knows his stuff. His system is easy to learn and gives you IMMEDIATE results. Awesome!" -Mac M.

What's Included:

  • Unlimited access to all video content (soon to be over 100+ videos)

  • Access to ask Bryan questions

  • Drills for reinforcing concepts with feel

  • "How to practice" concepts to get results faster

  • Swing Fix Library for quick problem solving

  • Tons of BONUS content

  • Community access to ask questions and get answers

Price Will Soon Be: $49/month

Today: $1 For 30 Days

Then Just $19.95 Per Month

Lifetime Price Lock Guarantee


Amazing Bonuses

When You Join Today

BONUS: Chipping Mastery

($79 Value)

Perfect your short game with the 'Chipping Mastery' module. Learn effective techniques to get closer to the flagstick and boost your confidence around the green.

BONUS: Pitching Mastery

($79 Value)

Sharpen your approach game and shave shots with the 'Pitching Mastery' module. Learn effective techniques to boost accuracy and confidence, mastering the art of pitching for lower scores.

BONUS: Putting Mastery

($79 Value)

Drop your scores with the 'Putting Mastery' module. Acquire precision techniques to control your speed and hit your line more often so you confidently sink more putts. Drive for show, putt for DOUGH!

BONUS: Swing Fix Library

($99 Value)

Fix your swing easily with the 'Swing Fix Library.' Discover simple solutions to common swing problems, so you don't waste valuable time on course struggling. Improve your swing in no time with these easy-to-use resources.

BONUS: Shot Shaping

($99 Value)

Trying to hit an effective shot that moves right or left takes skill. Anyone can hit a banana slice with no power or a duck hook that isn't worth much. I'll teach you how to shape your shots with power so you can become that elite player you know you can be!


What Others Are Saying

“I won 3 club events this year"

“I won 3 club events this year and I hadn't won a thing in 5 years. It is 100% because of the training I went through with Bryan!”

-Mike from Ohio

“More than eye opening”

“It's really more than eye opening, it's MIND opening! If you want improve your swing to shave strokes on your score or improve mentally on and off the course, you need Bryan's programs.”

- Mac from Ohio

“A great pro to have in your corner”

"If you want to free yourself from the habitual patterns that you know are holding you back, Bryan's methodologies have helped 10s of thousands do just that. Bryan is a great pro to have in your corner!"

- Peter from Hawaii

“This is way easier”

"I didn't think online instruction would work. I was wrong. This is really great stuff and I use it when I have time. Love my new swing, this is way easier!"

- Mark from Florida


Get My Incredible 14-Day

Improvement Guarantee

That’s how confident I am that you’ll love your experience.

How It Works

Just say “maybe” and try it out for 14 days, and if you don't feel you've improved, I'm going to analyze your swing and send you the results to get you on the right path. A $97 value, free.

Simply email my team at and let us know you're struggling with the academy. We'll take care of the rest.


Use My 25+ Years Of Teaching Golf For Yourself

You might be asking yourself:

“Who’s Bryan Z?”

I started teaching golf in 1996 and became a member of the PGA of America in 1999, but...

The truth is... I used to really struggle with consistently getting students real and lasting results not too long ago.

I tried everything to fix their swings according to swing principles I was taught decades ago because I truly wanted to help them get better.

But I didn't have a SYSTEM to teach. Just principals (aka band aids). This is where I missed the mark.

It wasn’t until I discovered the proven CPC system I teach now that I finally started seeing awesome results.

Since then, I’ve been able to:

  • Create the step-by-step process that's easy for people to follow and learn

  • Give students the right drills that groove the process perfectly

  • Get all skill level of golfers to hit it solid, gain distance and draw the ball from right to left with consistency like never before

  • Get great results and create more enjoyment of the game for my students

Now I want to help you achieve the same!


Time Is Of The Essence, Act Now Before It’s Too Late

This is a special and temporary deal for the academy. It will end soon so join now before prices go from $19.95 to $49 a month.

(you'll be locked in forever at $19.95/mo)


Frequently Asked Questions

Who’s this perfect for?

The academy is for golfers of all ages and skill levels. Improvement is right around the corner whether you're a tour professional or a beginner. The principles are the same.

What exactly do I get when I buy this?

You will get instant access to the online training portal will you will find TONS of videos of Bryan demonstrating concepts and drills to get you to improve. You also get access to the community and Q/A features for your ongoing improvement.

What if I get stuck and need extra support?

No problem. Just submit a question in the community and Bryan will be jumping in to help out. Alternatively, you will have the ability to upgrade to 1:1 help from Bryan if you so choose.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee?

We offer an IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE. If within 14 days of your initial purchase, you don't feel you've learned or improved, just let us know and Bryan will be helping you for free to get you on the right path.

All Rights Reserved. ©Bryan Z Golf 2024